February 2013. Client: The Prince’s Seeing Is Believing Programme
One of my most interesting clients I don’t post about* is The Prince’s Seeing Is Believing program (run by BITC) as the images invariably include minors and vulnerable adults. These visits take some of the finest and most successful business brains and ask them to attempt to solve social problems through responsible business practice (Typically a room of 10 delegates could be responsible for many thousands of employees as well as the considerable affect they have to the communities in which they operate). We go into prisons, homeless shelters, schools in areas of poverty and many other charities helping those at the less fortunate end of our communities. The first and last 2012 visits were in Tottenham. A Report Back seminar is then held at St James Palace with HRH Prince of Wales (Here’s the Report Back document for the last year’s visits – click here).
For these jobs I leave the flash in the bag, put the shutter on the ‘Quiet’ mode, wear shoes that don’t squeak and have my ears in the ‘open to receive’ setting.
* CONTRADICTION ALERT! I am indeed posting but they have had this large 16 page spread with all my pictures in The Sunday Telegraph supplement (3rd February) so I feel it’s okay to mention it on my blog.