July 2015. Client: The Patchwork Foundation
The politically unaffiliated Patchwork Foundation held a Labour hustings and put the four candidates in front of an audience of deprived and minority communities. The foundation encourages the under-represented to play a role in British social and political arenas and I’m guessing the KPMG Canary Wharf sky-scraping meeting room had rarely seen such a diverse group within its walls.
With any set of photographs of a politician’s speech it is so easy to make the speaker look: heroic/deranged/lionhearted/fearful/doolally/plucky/commanding. You can move around the room and bring in objects, abstract words, blurred panels and/or other people to create as many moods as you like. Click here and have a look at what Rex Features* made accessible to picture editors (* many other photos agencies are available) The Jeremy Corbyn selection is apolitical in its results in that they range from ‘looking fantastic’ to ‘nose picking’.
Afterwards you can Google* image search ‘Corbyn labour hustings 2015’ then mouse over the images to see what the different newspapers decided to run with for that event. (*Apparently other search engines are also available)